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Provide a three to five sentence response to the question below.

In your own opinion, what role did God play, if any, in the writing of the Bible (including both the Old Testament and the New Testament)? Explain your answer as thoroughly as you can.

Provide a three to five sentence response to the question below.

What is one important tradition or ritual (not necessarily religious) for your family? Describe it. Why is it important for your family?

Provide a three to five sentence response to the question below.

If you were to experience something potentially "supernatural," such as a voice claiming to be God speaking from a burning bush, a divine voice speaking from the clouds, or text messages from God (for example), would your first instinct be to believe in the experience, or to doubt it? Explain your answer as thoroughly as you can.

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M92371846
  • Price:- $17

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