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Politics and Culture of the Cold War

This semester, we have watched two movies of a similar genre about submarine warfare during the Cold War era: The Hunt for Red October (1990) and K19 - The Widowmaker (2002), both of which should be available on Netflix.

Your assignment is to prepare a written paper, AT LEAST three (3) pages in length, which compares and contrasts the way that the Soviets are portrayed in each movie. There are three different types of characters to examine: officers, crew and civilian leadership. Topics for consideration are the relationship between officers and crew, the relationship between the officers and civilian leadership of each nation, how orders are carried out by the crew, the amount of supervision the crew requires, the differences in the way the crew behaves (conscription versus voluntary military service), etc.

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M91544598
  • Price:- $40

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