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Plant-based Sources of Antioxidants

I.  Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - blackcurrants, green peppers, guava, gourds, greens, strawberries, kiwi fruits, citrus fruits, paw - paws, brussel sprouts, new potatoes

II.  Vitamin E - sweet potatoes, spinach, broccoli, pulses, kale, tomatoes, asparagus, herbs

III.  Carotenes - carrots, sweet potatoes, herbs, pumpkins, spinach, greens, kale, canloupes, chicory, squashes, red peppers, mangoes, apricots

IV.  Lycopene - guaves, pink grapefruits, tomatoes

V.  Lutein and zeaxanthin - kale, spinack, herbs, greens, celery, scallions, leeks

VI.  Flavonoids - onions, strawberries,  apples, citrus fruits,  greens, broad beans, peanuts, grapes, tea

VII.  Isoflavones - pulses, especially soya bean and linseed products.

VIII.  Organo-sulphur compounds - allium vegetables; garlic, onions, chives, leeks

IX.  Ubiquinol - beans, garlic, spinach

X.  Copper  - pulses, mushrooms, olives, gourds, avocados, lychees, blackberries,blackcurrants, kiwi fruits, grapes, mangoes, guaves, bananas, raspberries, plums, asparagus, potatoes

XI.  Manganese - beetroot, blackberries, pineapples, pulses, spinach, greens, bananas, raspberries  

Chemistry, Academics

  • Category:- Chemistry
  • Reference No.:- M9567888

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