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Part 1: You are part of an admission's committee at a state university. You have 3 spots available to fill. But you have six applicants. Here is the information you have:

Jonathan Smith ACT score 30 GPA 3.85

Kendra Johnson ACT score 26 GPA 3.8

Devin Peterson ACT score 25 GPA 4.0

Cassidy Thomas ACT score 29 GPA 3.5

Peter McIntyre ACT score 27 GPA 3.3

Brandy Jackson ACT score 24 GPA 3.9

Part 1: Questions to answer

Is this enough information to determine who should get into the University? If not what other information would you want and why?

If this is the only information used which three would you admit? How did you decide? (Mark 3 selected students for this part on the table on page 7 of this assignment)

Part 2:

Here is a bit more information:

Jonathan Smith. ACT score 30 GPA 3.85

Jonathan took 4 years of math, science, and English including advanced math (calculus and trigonometry at the college level), advanced chemistry and physics, and college level English as well as 3 years of Latin. He was involved in many extracurricular activities including track, golf, and student council.

Kendra Johnson. ACT score 26 GPA 3.8

Kendra took 3 years of math ending with the highest level being basic algebra. She took 4 years of basic English and 2 years of science (physical science and biology). She was not involved in any extracurricular school activities but was a member of a church youth group.

Devin Peterson ACT score 25 GPA 4.0

Devin Peterson took 3 years of math ending with geometry. He took 3 years of English and 2 years of science (biology and chemistry). He was not involved in any extracurricular school activities.

Cassidy Thomas ACT score 29 GPA 3.5

Cassidy took 4 years of math ending with advanced high school math (introduction to calculus and trig.), 4 years of science (physical science, biology, chemistry, and physics), and 3 years of English and 4 years of French. She was a member of the swim team and drama club.

Peter McIntyre ACT score 27 GPA 3.3

Peter McIntyre took three years of math ending with advance algebra. Three years of English. Three years of science (earth science, biology, and chemistry). He was on the football team and the baseball team.

Brandy Jackson ACT score 24 GPA 3.9

Brandy took 3 years of math ending with algebra. Four years of English. Three years of science (physical science, earth science, and biology). She played in the school band. No extracurricular activities.

Part 2: Questions to answer

What new information is provided? Does the information now provided help in the decision making? If so how?

Rank order students based on the information provided in part 2 above information. Which 3 get in? (Mark 3 selected students for this part on the table on page 7 of this assignment)

How did you make your decisions?

Did your rank order change? Did anyone different get admitted? Why or why not?

Part 3:

One last bit of information:

Jonathan Smith.  ACT score 30  GPA 3.85

Jonathan took 4 years of math, science, and English including advanced math (calculus and trigonometry at the college level), advanced chemistry and physics, and college level English as well as 3 years of Latin. He was involved in many extracurricular activities including track, golf, and student council. The high school Jonathan attended was well respected public high school with a 98% graduation rate with 89% of graduates attending college right after high school. The majority of students were involved in extracurricular activities. Jonathan also attended summer science and math camps for many years. Jonathan is a White student.

Kendra Johnson.  ACT score 26   GPA 3.8

Kendra took 3 years of math ending with the highest level being basic algebra. She took 4 years of basic English and 2 years of science (physical science and biology). She was not involved in any extracurricular school activities but was a member of a church youth group. Kendra took the most advanced classes available at her school which is an inner city school with failing test scores. Extracurricular activities were not available at her school. No member of her family has ever graduated high school. Kendra is an African American student.

Devin Peterson   ACT score 25  GPA 4.0

Devin Peterson took 3 years of math ending with geometry. He took 3 years of English and 2 years of science (biology and chemistry). He was not involved in any extracurricular school activities. Devin took all the advanced classes available at his school. Football and volleyball were the only two extracurricular activities available in his inner city school with a 58% dropout rate. Devin worked 2 part-time jobs while attending school. Devin is an African American student.

Cassidy Thomas ACT score 29 GPA 3.5

Cassidy took 4 years of math ending with advanced high school math (introduction to calculus and trig.), 4 years of science (physical science, biology, chemistry, and physics), and 3 years of English and 4 years of French. She was a member of the swim team and drama club. Cassidy attended a well-funded school known for its tough academic standards. Both parents have graduate degrees and work in high paying careers. Cassidy is a White student.

Peter McIntyre ACT score 27 GPA 3.3

Peter McIntyre took three years of math ending with advance algebra. Three years of English. Three years of science (earth science, biology, and chemistry). More advanced classes were available but Peter choose to take more elective classes his senior year (art, wood shop). He was on the football team and the baseball team. Peter attended a high school in middle-income suburb of large city. Both parents have college degrees. Peter is a White student.

Brandy Jackson ACT score 24 GPA 3.9

Brandy took 3 years of math ending with algebra. Four years of English. Three years of science (physical science, earth science, and biology). She played in the school band. No extracurricular activities. Brandy is a Latino student attending a failing school with a 46% graduation rate. She took the most advanced class possible at her school. No extracurricular activities were available at her school. She is living with and helping care for her elderly grandmother because her mother is incarcerated for drug use.

Part 3: Questions to Answer

What new information is provided? Does the information now provided help in your decision making? If so how?

Rank order students based on above information. Which three get in? (Mark 3 selected students for this part on the table on page 7 of this assignment)

How did you make your decisions?

Did your rank order change? Did anyone different get admitted?

Is there additional information you would still like to have in making these admissions decisions?

Part 4:

Final Thoughts: Respond to each of the following questions.

How do you think college admissions should be determined? List ALL factors you believe should be considered. Why did you select the factors you selected?

What are the benefits of relying on the factors you selected?

What are the potential drawbacks of relying on the factors you selected?

How does your approach to college admissions contribute to maintaining systems of privilege and oppression? Explain your response.

Selected students Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Jonathan Smith

Kendra Johnson

Devin Peterson

Cassidy Thomas

Peter McIntyre

Brandy Jackson

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M91544920
  • Price:- $15

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