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Optional ARS :Tantleff-Dunn and Gokee

Article -Interpersonal Influences on Body Image Development by Stacey Tantleff-Dunn and Jessica L. Gokee


1. In the article, highlight all the parts that address the questions below, and on the margins, write the main points

2. After you have read the article, and completed step 1, write a paragraph answer to the following questions Your answer SHOULD NOT be a copy of the original source, but a paraphrase of the ideas.

  1. List and explain, in your own words, three interpersonal processes discussed by the authors.

  2. Briefly explain how each of the following can influence someone's body image:

      a. Peers

      b. Romantic partners

      c. Strangers

   3. To what extent do you agree with the discussion of strangers?

   4. In your opinion, how does the influence of these three factors compare to the influence of the media? Do you think they are more, equally, or less influential than the media? Why.

   5. Which factor, or factors, do you think is/are more influential to the development of negative body image: Peers, Strangers, Romantic Partners, parents or the media? Explain your answer.

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M92361944
  • Price:- $20

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