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Need a Machine Learning application written in matlab to be able to predict, based on certain selected features of wine, which variants of wine are likely to score above a 5 out of 10 quality score.

Need a technical write-up around 8 pages long in adherence on the slide titled "Components of a (good) paper". Identify which features impact the score the most, so this should be included in the technical writeup.

• Novel implementation and evaluation of a machine learning algorithm

• Apply ML to a problem that interests you, using a publicly available dataset

• Milestones (see schedule for estimated deadlines)

- Proposal
- Two updates
- Final presentation (in class)*
- Final write up (conference paper style)

MATLAB, Engineering

  • Category:- MATLAB
  • Reference No.:- M9292747
  • Price:- $70

Priced at Now at $70, Verified Solution

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