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It is hard to measure the yield of 2-bromonitrobenzene precisely in the reaction of nitration of bromobenzene because the isomer is not purified in the procedure. Though, the yield may be bluntly approximated by assuming that the oil acquires from concentrating the mother liquors from recrystallization is comprised entirely of this isomer.

a. Utilizing the assumption that the oil is the 2-bromonitrobenzene, find out the o:p ratio of isomers formed in the mononitration of bromobenzene.

b. Define whether the result of your fortitude in Part a supports the hypothesis that the steric effect of the bromo substituent suppresses or augments the formation of the o-isomer relative to that expected statistically.

Chemistry, Academics

  • Category:- Chemistry
  • Reference No.:- M91186819

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