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Dr. Noam Chomsky is one of the mist cited intellectuals in United States academic history. Dr. Chomsky received his doctorate in linguistics from the University of Pennsylvania in 1955. Although his training is primarily in linguistics, his more than 100 books cross the spectrum of academic interests, including mass media, philosophy, politics and war. In an international survey of more than 20,000 people, Noam Chomsky was voted as the number one public intellectual in the world. In an article in the Guardian, Chomsky responded. "It was probably padded by some friends of mine." You can learn more about Chomsky at the Noam Chomsky Website.

In the following video clip, Chomsky discusses globalization and whether globalization is actually increasing or decreasing.

After watching the Chomsky video, answer the following questions

1. He defines globalization as "international integration". He argues that the term itself has been, "appropriated by a narrow sector of power and privilege to mean their own version of international integration".

Explain what you think Chomsky is referring to here and provide an example you've seen from the world around you that illustrates the concept.

2. In this presentation, Chomsky refers to an "economic miracle" as an economic agreement that is great for a small group of wealthy individuals and foreign investors but devastating to the larger population. Does globalization (as it relates to economic investments and capital) create a world where the gap between the "haves and the have-nots" is increasing? Why and why not?

3. Do you think his critique about the restrictions on international movement today have actually led to a decrease in globalization? Why or Why not?

Humanities, Academics

  • Category:- Humanities
  • Reference No.:- M92018736
  • Price:- $15

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