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Topic for Paper 2: Compare the selected play to its adaptation; Are the themes effectively presented? Why or why not? Compare specific scenes and use details from the text and film in a thesis-driven essay. By writing this paper, you will answer this question and demonstrate the following skills for writing and literature:

Analyze literature for a purpose

Identify one to three scenes as examples from each item to support the theme

Write a thesis statement that clearly identifies the titles of the plays and film/adaptation, their authors/directors, the theme, and what the paper will argue in its analysis and comparison

Write clear topic sentences for paragraphs that inform the reader what the paragraph will discuss

Develop paragraphs that explain how the examples from the play/adaptation support the topic sentence of the paragraph

Organize a comparison and contrast paper by presenting paragraphs in a logical and interesting fashion using one of two methods for comparison and contrast

Write sentences in standard American English that clearly express ideas

Demonstrate the correct use of MLA formatting within the paper and on a Works Cited page

Explain your writing process in a clear and logical fashion

In weeks 7-8 we will go through the steps from thesis to final draft; please start to consider and work on your paper right from the start and send me any questions as you develop the essay.

Drama Essay: Write a well-developed essay, using MLA format, analyzing the topic above. Your essay should be 850-1000 words in length. Be sure to review the previous feedback and rubric/score for the first essay to identify areas that may need improvement. This essay will be expected to resolve serious issues in thesis, organization, detail, grammar and style from the first essay.

In the analysis of the play and adaption use 2-3 essential elements of the play as we have discussed in class in the readings on analysis of literature. Some elements that you might consider: plot, structure, setting, tone, language, symbol, theme, character. Not everyone will choose to discuss the same elements as it varies depending on which play you choose.

You may use up to 3 outside sources for the play; they must be scholarly and substantial. Keep in mind that they should play a supportive role in the paper and should not dominate the material. These sources need to be fully cited and quoted where appropriate.

Be sure to use MLA documentation in the form of parenthetical citations and a works cited page (work from an anthology).

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M92026666

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