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How does Scout describe Burris Ewell's physical appearance? How does Little Charles Little describe Burris' personality?

After Scout's first day of school, what is her assessment and what is her plan?

After Scout begs Atticus not to make her return to school, what advice does he give her for getting along with people?

Jem tells Scout about Miss Caroline's "new way of teaching," explaining that children won't "have to learn much out of books." Comment on your opinion of this approach to education.

Atticus advises Scout that the way to get along with someone else is to "climb into his skin and walk around in it." Comment on your reaction to this advice.

Comment on Burris Ewell's behavior in the classroom. Who is to blame for his being the way he is?

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M91180462

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