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In order to prepare for their futures, teachers who have the goal of becoming educational administrators will benefit from analyzing cases that represent different types of problems occurring in the school. The problems addressed in each of the cases is intended to stimulate discussion, encourage problem solving and to promote interest in research needed to advance an understanding of the content and problems introduced.

The following steps are to be utilized in analyzing the cases assigned in this course:

1. Summarize the case.

2. Identify the problem in a SINGLE SENTENCE.

3. Select specific information from the case and categorize it according to people, place or program.

4. Review and prioritize the information.

5. Refer to the data in each category to solve the problem identified in the case and respond to the case study questions

Each case offers a different background with a unique problem to solve. Depending on the specifics of the case it is possible that the most significant data are either concentrated in one of the three categories (people, place, and program) or contained in a combination of two or more categories.

Case 1- Can't We Work This Out?


1. As the superintendent, what is your position regarding the suggestions for consideration for the budget cuts presented by the committee?
2. Do you believe that the governor should be blamed for the budget Cuts that have been proposed by her office?
3. Does the school district have the right to challenge the proposed bud-set cuts from the state?

Case 2- Mistake In Identify


1. What will you do next?
2. How will you investigation this matter?
3. Do you believe Elise?
4. What other information do you need o know?
5. Are you satisfied with the vice principle resolution?

Case 3- There Cost of No Child Left Behind


1. Do von support the No Child Left Behind Act? Why or why not?
2. Do you believe that schools should be held accountable for test scores of their students?
3. What role should local, state, and federal agencies play in monitoring the progress of student performance in schools?
4. What consequence, if any, should be imposed on schools whose students do not demonstrate that they are learning?
5. Do you believe that standardized tests are the most effective measure of student learning? Why or why not? What other methods would von use to measure student progress? Explain.
6. Do you agree with Ms. Monty and her position that Hispanic migrant students should be included in taking the standardized tests? Why or why not?
7. Would you have supported or not supported the federal government employee's position to penalize the school for allowing the migrant students to use calculators during the math portion of the standardized test?

Case 4- MRS. Bumble and Her Band of Busybodies


1. As the elementary school principal, what is your role in deciding the distribution of federal funds at your school?
2. Do you believe you handled the meeting with the advisory committee in a constructive manner?
3. What would you have done differently?
4. Would you contact the superintendent regarding this matter?
5. What are your concerns, given the fact that Mrs. Bumble is on friendly terms with the governor?
6. What is your position regarding the state control of federal funds?
7. Do you believe that the federal government should have less jurisdiction over some of the federally funded programs? If so, which ones?
8. How would you react if the federal government stopped providing funds for free and reduced-cost lunches to students in the public school system?

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M91558192
  • Price:- $90

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