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"For Cultural Competence: Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions needed to Embrace Diversity."

Examine the scenario through a lens of cultural competence to determine when/how a deeper cultural understanding would have influenced the teacher's responses.

In a 500-750 word analysis, discuss 2-3 of the following concepts of deep culture in the context of the selected case study:
Collective orientation (promoting needs of the group versus promoting needs of the individual)
Time orientation
Respect for authority
Perceptions and value of education
Priority of family
Communication (e.g., language development, verbal communication styles, nonverbal communication, physical proximity)
Value of work/Work ethic
Peer pressure
Assimilation dilemma: adaptation versus preservation
In addition, include specific advice to the teacher in your case study to help him or her respond more appropriately to the student/family.
Use at least 2-3 scholarly sources (other than the assigned readings) to justify your responses.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Here is the case study Im doing

Activity 3.9 (Asian-American Case Study) Time: 30 Minutes Objectives x
To review the cultural values of Asian Americans x
To review the social and educational experiences of Asian Americans x
To consider culturally relevant strategies for working more effectively with Asian American children

Activity Description 1. Divide participants into small groups and have them read the corresponding case study.

2. Once group members have read the case study have them respond to the following questions:

To what extent do Mr. Daniels' perceptions that Loc should be a model student prevent him from requesting a parent conference earlier in the semester?

How can preconceived notions about different cultural groups contribute to the assumptions about and recommendations for children who are culturally different?

What is known about this child's cultural group that can help the teacher work more effectively with Loc?

Is it the teacher's responsibility to help Loc secure resources that will help him become more successful in school?

When is it appropriate for school personnel to use children as interpreters? x What factors may serve as a cultural basis for Loc's performance in Mr. Daniels' class?

What alternatives do teachers have for communicating with parents when a language barrier exists? How can the teacher enlist support from school personnel to help children from families for whom English is a second language?

CASE STUDY: Loc Nguyen is a ninth-grade Vietnamese child of immigrant parents who do not speak English fluently. His parents own a nail salon in the center of town, and they work long hours. Loc is often at the shop until 8 or 9 p.m. with his parents. Loc has experienced some academic difficulties in terms of his ability to complete assignments in a timely fashion, pass vocabulary tests, and remain current with the assigned readings for the course. His Language Arts teacher, Mr. Daniels, has observed some of Loc's difficulties; however, Mr. Daniels seems to overlook this fact because he is of the impression that Asians represent the model minority. Mr. Daniels has hesitated to schedule a conference with Loc's parents given his perception that Asians routinely do well in school. Mr. Daniels has even mentioned to Loc on several occasions that he should not worry about his grades because he is Asian, and he'll probably go on to become a successful engineer. When it appears that Loc may be in jeopardy of passing Language Arts, Mr. Daniels finally decides to schedule a parent conference. The parents' relentless work schedule complicated efforts to meet with the teacher. When the meeting finally took place, Mr. Daniels had difficulty explaining his concerns about Loc's academic progress because the parents did not speak English fluently. Moreover, Mr. Daniels was not sure the parents understood him either. At one point during the conference, Mr. Daniels asked Loc to translate, but questioned the extent to which Loc was being forthright with his parents about his academic difficulties. In any case, Mr. Daniels satisfied his obligation to inform the Nguyen's of their child's progress.

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M92361823
  • Price:- $20

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