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Writing Your Conclusion Workshop


As you prepare to write your second discussion for this week, take a few moments to do the following:

• Read the Ashford Writing Center (AWC) articles onIntroductions and Conclusions and Essay Structure.


Before drafting your initial post, take time to reflect on your closing argument. Does your conclusion reemphasize the important points that you have made in your essay? Have you summarized your main points and rephrased your thesis statement? Do the final lines of your conclusion leave your readers with something interesting to consider?


• In 200 to 300 words, share your concluding paragraph. Your conclusion should reiterate the position of your paper by summarizing your main points and rephrased thesis statement. In a final paragraph, share your original thesis statement.

• In a separate paragraph, identify and explain the following:

o What is your conclusion's closing argument?

o In addition, note any questions you may have regarding your conclusion (e.g., rephrased thesis statement, summarized main points, etc.) so your classmates can assist you.

Respond to Peers

• In 125 to 200 words each, discuss and critique the concluding paragraphs of at least two of your classmates. Please identify, analyze, and discuss the following:

o Rephrased thesis statement
o Main points of the argument (e.g., are the main points summarized?)
o Closing argument (e.g., was the thesis proven?)
o Questions and concerns regarding the development of the closing argument

• Substantiate your ideas and suggestions with specific examples from your classmates' concluding paragraphs.

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M92364555
  • Price:- $25

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