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Part 1

Discussion 1

You must have your textbook (Janson's History of Art Volume 1: 8thedition)to answer these questions. If you have a different edition of the text (newer or older) it should not be a problem in answering the questions. Art History textbooks don't change significantly enough to not include the following. The page assignment might vary but you can locate the title and information. Also please read the Unit 1 Lecture prior to posting.

Under each of ancient cultures below cite one relic. Tell us what you know about the people or culture from the relic (architecture, artwork, sculpture, painting, coin, relief drawing etc.)

Use the text and class information as resources to answer this question. Remember to paraphrase information, and quote all sources. Read all information from this lecture before beginning this assignment.

A. Mesopotamians
B. Sumerians
C. Akkadians
D. Babylonians
E. Assyrians
F. Persians
G. Hebrews or Jews

Discussion 2

• Trace the development of the pyramids from the Old Kingdom to the New Kingdom.

Be sure to cite specific examples.

Part 2

Discussion 1

You must have your textbook (Janson's History of Art Volume 1: 8th edition)to answer these questions. If you have a different edition of the text (newer or older) it should not be a problem in answering the questions. Art History textbooks don't change significantly enough to not include the following. The page assignment might vary but you can locate the title and information. Also please read the Unit 1 Lecture prior to posting.

Under each of ancient cultures below cite one relic. Tell us what you know about the people or culture from the relic (architecture, artwork, sculpture, painting, coin, relief drawing etc.)

Use the text and class information as resources to answer this question. Remember to paraphrase information, and quote all sources. Read all information from this lecture before beginning this assignment.

A. Mesopotamians
B. Sumerians
C. Akkadians
D. Babylonians
E. Assyrians
F. Persians
G. Hebrews or Jews

Discussion 2

• Trace the development of the pyramids from the Old Kingdom to the New Kingdom.

Be sure to cite specific examples.

1. Where is the fertile crescent? Name one work of art that you might find from that area.

2. What is a mastaba? How did the mastaba influence later architecture?

3. What is a cylinder seal? What culture invented it?

4. What is a pictograph? Cite one example of Egyptian art that utilizes pictographs. What is the function of this work? What story does it tell?

5. What do you know about the Egyptian culture from the sculpture entitled "Menkaura and a Queen?" What do you know about the relationship of the two people from the way the artist has depicted them?

History, Academics

  • Category:- History
  • Reference No.:- M92761055
  • Price:- $35

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