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Discussion Board

For this discussion board, you will research examples of poorly written lists. Business professionals often fail to write lists that use parallel grammatical construction. Yet, lists are common in business communication, especially in presentations and resumes.

Please address the following in no less than 3 paragraphs:

1. Conduct research about parallel grammatical construction and provide a definition. You may use Internet or book sources to find content. Your definition should be paraphrased, not directly copied from the source.

2. Find an example of a list (3 - 7 items per list) in your previous writing, or the writing of a business professional, that is not parallel construction. Present the "before" (incorrect) and "after" (correct) for the example. The list may be a bulleted or a numbered list.

3. Find an example of a list (series) within a sentence in your previous writing, or the writing of a business professional, that is not parallel construction. Present the "before" (incorrect) and "after" (correct) for the example sentence. The example should include a verb and a noun in each list item.

4. Provide a list of your sources. A minimum of 2 sources is required.

5. Respond to at least two of your classmates' posts with constructive comments concerning their posts. For example, you could suggest alternative rewrites to the lists or tell us something valuable you learned about parallel grammatical construction.

Please make sure the post is paraphrased, not copied from the original source.

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M92380431
  • Price:- $15

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