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Collaborative Learning Community: Identifying Critical Attributes for Accurate Transfer Activity (CLC)

Determine a teaching area of interest: elementary, secondary (by subject area), or by job role (principals and assistant principals together, special education teachers together, etc.). Within your group, select one major concept in your curriculum or job role. Identify critical attributes and limits of critical attributes by answering and discussing the worksheet, "Identifying Unique and Unvarying Elements," on page 166 in How the Brain Learns.

With the worksheet in mind, create an activity that uses strategies from chapter 4, such as bridging, hugging, metaphors, etc., which would allow for accurate transfer of the content/curriculum in a future classroom.

In a 500 word paper, describe the activity. Record information and results from your CLC discussion, including any problems encountered in selecting a specific critical attribute, and how such problems were resolved.

Support your chosen activity with a rationale, citing 5-7 scholarly resources.

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M92186218
  • Price:- $10

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