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Cereals or grains are the seeds of grasses  and include the many species of wheat, rice, maize or corn, jowar, barley, ragi, bajra,  rye and oats. Cereals account for the largest share, about one-fifth of the consumption  expenditure in India. They are mainly consumed in the form of products obtained from primary processing, such as rice from paddy and atta or flour from wheat. Rice, wheat, maize and sorghum are the four major cereals, which are grown and consumed in the country. As per FAO figures for the year 2003, India produces around 102 million MT of  rice against world's production of 590 million MT.  
The ease with which the grains can be produced and stored, together with the relatively low cost and nutritional contribution has resulted in the widespread use of cereal foods.

Chemistry, Academics

  • Category:- Chemistry
  • Reference No.:- M9567968

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