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• Describe one (1) evidence claim for and one(1) evidence claim against your chosen topic. The topic is "What are the unconstructive and constructive impacts of technology on the teenagers"? These evidence claims can come from the articles you are using as sources for your final evidence analysis assign "Evidence" for this project means facts, quotes, or expert opinions related to the claim. A piece of evidence might support the claim or might go against the claim

• Describe the evidence and state where you found it. What type of evidence is it?

• Evaluate the evidence. Do you think the evidence is clear, strong, and relevant? Why or why not? Is there any bias? What are the strengths of the evidence? What are the weaknesses? What questions do you have about the evidence?

• Evaluate the source of the evidence. Does the source pass the CARS Model? Explain.

Humanities, Academics

  • Category:- Humanities
  • Reference No.:- M92027715
  • Price:- $10

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