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Briefly describe a specific spiritual discipline of Bible intake or prayer as discussed in the Whitney text.

Discuss the priority of these disciplines in your own personal life and outline the process that you have employed or plan to begin during this course.

You will also need to include anticipated growth you expect to experience from the practice of these disciplines.

Be careful to include biblical as well as classical traits or virtues as well as to cite any academic sources used and include biblical support when appropriate and accurate.


You will be placed into a group at the beginning of the course.

You will create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum.

Each thread must be 200-300 words and demonstrate course-related knowledgeinclude citations and a bibliography when sources are referenced.

Current Turabian format must be used.

History, Academics

  • Category:- History
  • Reference No.:- M92365021
  • Price:- $15

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