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At 60C Consider a 20 L sample of moist air and one atm in which the partial pressure of water vapor is 0.120 atm. Suppose that dry air has the composition 21 mole percentO , 78 mole percent N2 , and 1 mole percent Ar.  

1. Calculate the mole percentages of each of the gases in the sample?

2. When volume does the mixture contain now? At 60C when the percent relative humidity is defined as %RH=PH2O/P* H2O where the P H2Ois the partial pressure of water in sample and the P*H2O=0.197 atm is the equilibrium vapor pressure of water. The gas is compressed at 60 C until the relative humidity reaches 100%.

 3. If the total pressure of the mixture is isothermally increased to 200 atm then explain what fraction of water vapor will be condensed?

Chemistry, Academics

  • Category:- Chemistry
  • Reference No.:- M91121945

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