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Write 100 words for each topic

- Describe each topic and how it's helpful when you do a speech
- single space
- font 12
- avoid plagiarism


1. Developing Transferable Skills
2. Uncertainty about technology
3. Demonstrate mutual respect
4. Brainstorming for possible topics
5. Using demographic information
6. Maximizing your searches
7. Facts and statistics
8. Connecting your ideas with transitions
9. Developing your conclusion
10. Dynamic versus static
11. Practice with your media
12. Managing your audience during your speech
13. An informative speech is?
14. A persuasive speech is?
15. What is an argument
16. Presenting in small group.

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M92390509
  • Price:- $40

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