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Soviet Montage- The Battleship Potemkin and Citizen Kane

First- Identify and briefly explain the three main purposes of editing cuts that students at the Kuleshov Workshop learned about in the early days of film-making in the Soviet Union.

Second- Reflect on two editing cut examples from both The Battleship Potemkin and Citizen Kane that you find effective (one from each film - do not use any examples from the readings). What seems to be the purpose of the two editing examples? Briefly explain why you feel these editing cuts to be good examples.

NOTE: 200 words minimum. You must include at least one brief citation from the reading (do not take up too much space with the citation.)

NOTE: Response Post = 200 word minimum. Peer Reply = 100 word minimum.

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M92383014
  • Price:- $35

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