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You are responsible for selecting any one of the following assigned readings from the Digital Library; please give some consideration to Space Traders, but ultimately it is up to you. I have provided you with an array of articles to select from. Each article should be thought provoking about race, gender and justice.

The reaction paper should be three to four pages long. The papers should include summaries of the article selected. The last page should be reserved for a personal reaction to the article selected. Here is more information about the paper. You are to prepare a reaction paper to one of these articles.

The reaction paper should be three to four pages long. The papers should include summaries of the article selected. The last page should be reserved for a personal reaction to the article selected. It can be single or double spaced. I am not concerned about a particular format.

The paper should be well organized, with good intro, body that covers the themes highlight by the author(s).Then you should offer a summary ofwhat you have read, then a paragraph for a personal reaction and policy implications. In other words, I leave a lot of this up to you. I just want to read your paper and be convinced that youy have reade the article.

I am looking for descriptive, succinct summaries and a reaction to the reading. Include in your reactions answers to the following questions:

• Did you agree or disagree?

• What policy recommendations emerge from your choice of assigned readings?

To turn in your Project:

Use black board to submit 3 to 4 page responses.


English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M92372479

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