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• Competency 1: Texts as Expressive Forms
• Competency 3: Global Diversity
• Competency 4: Texts Shape the World
• Competency 6: Critical Methods and MLA



• Read the Introduction from JannEinfeld'sThe Greenhaven Press Companion to Fairy Tales pdf (found under the Week 9 Module on Content on eLearn).

• Use the information found in the Einfeld text to help you answer five of the ten the questions listed at the bottom of the page. In other words, you will chose five of the ten questions to answer (and leave the other five questions unanswered).


1. How many different versions of the "Cinderella" tale does Einfeld claim have been discovered around the world? Which country and century can the first "Cinderella" story be traced back to? Why do YOU believe-on a personal level-that the "Cinderella" tale is still so popular? Explain.

2. What does Einfeld say about fairy tales originating out of "an ancient oral art form in which storytellers held small groups spellbound"? How do you view the differences between oral literature (only spoken words) and written literature (written out completely)? What are (at least) five pros and cons for each (for a total of ten)?

3. What do you think Einfeld means when she says the following about fairy tales: "They are a major socialization toll and cultural determinant in contemporary Western civilization"? Identify (at least) three specific ideologies (dominant cultural beliefs and belief systems) that fairy tales are used to teach or reinfi5rce to its children in our modern culture? Explain.

4. What does Einfeld say in the first paragraph under the section "The Legacy of Fairy Tales" about why fairy tales have such a long and productive history? Hint: Pay close attention to what she says after the words "their view of a better world."

5. Near the top of page 14, Einfeld states that British folklorists Iona and Peter Opie claim that "fairy tales have caused more controversy than any other form of traditional literature." Based on your own experiences, class discussions, and the Einfeld text, why do you believe that fairy tales are so controversial? Explain.

6. Choose any two of the different ideas regarding how fairy tales originated provided in the "Theories of Origin" section (14-16) that make the most sense to you. Explain why.

7. According to Einfeld, what is considered to be the root tale of "Beauty and the Beast?" Why do you think that the theme of transformation such a recurrent and important one in fairy tales? Explain and use (at least) two other examples of fairy tales in your answer besides "Beauty and the Beast."

8. Choose three ideas from the section "Subversive French Beginnings" (17-19) that are new to you. Explain your understanding of how these ideas justify the development and use of fairy tales in France.

9. Choose three ideas from the section "The Significance of the Genre" (31-33) that are new to you. Explain your understanding of how these ideas justify the development and use of fairy tales around the globe.

10. In the section "The Disneyfication of America" (27-29), Einfeld states that "feminist critics argue that Disney's heroines provide poor female role models." Do you agree or disagree? Explain why or why not. Make sure to use (at least) two Disney animated films as part of your explanation.

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M92503173
  • Price:- $45

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