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For Writing Assignment students will write a 2.5-3 page paper, the due date for which is clearly stated on the syllabus. A variety of articles that students can use to write the paper will be posted on Titanium in a folder named "Writing Assignment 1" at the top of the page. The paper must be submitted to by 11:00 pm on the due date, the portal for which can be found just below the folder. The assignment is worth 50 points or 11.1% of the final grade. Late papers will have a deduction of 5% per day late, starting with any papers turned in after 11:00 pm on the due date.

Format. Your answers must be: (1) in essay form, (2) 2.5-3 typewritten pages, (3) double-spaced, (4) 12 point font, Times New Roman, (5) 1 inch margins all around, (6) include page numbers, and (7) no references cited is needed-do mention when you cite "Kelly/Thomas" or "class notes" and add page numbers when necessary.

You are responsible for knowing, and thus strongly advised to review, the "Student Guide to Avoiding Plagiarism: How to Write an Effective Research Paper" which can be found at I will carefully review all papers with a similarity rating of 15% or more, and at my discretion implement appropriate sanctions that may include a zero for the assignment and documentation submitted to the Dean of Academic Affairs.

1) Address the following.

• Describe the topic/main points of the article.
• Describe what you learned that was new about the topic of your chosen article.
• Describe why you liked or chose the topic.

2) Bring in ideas from the Kelly/Thomas text, lectures, and/or films in your essay.

3) Present your point of view based on a critical understanding and analysis of the article.

• Describe your point of view on the topic/article you read. Have you observed, experienced, or know of anything similar to what the writer presents in the article?

4) Proofread your essay for spelling, grammar, and syntax errors.

• This isn't worth many points, but I will look closely at the grammar and correct it.
• Though only 5 points are awarded, poorly written papers are harder to read and tend to get lower grades overall.

Text Book: The 1st American.

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M92381294
  • Price:- $45

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