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For this Writer's Notebook assignment, you will be practicing paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting. First, you should choose an article that you will be using as a source for your Argument essay. Then, you should find three different pieces of evidence that you might use in your essay as support material. Complete the Writer's Notebook in 4 steps as explained below:

1. Create a "quotation sandwich" out of one of the pieces of evidence.

2. Paraphrase a different piece of evidence. Include both the original and your paraphrase for comparison.

3. Summarize another piece of evidence. Again, include the original and your summary.

4. Include an in-text citation for each! At the end, be sure to include a Works Cited entry for each source. Need 300 words.

My topic is Genetically Modified Foods should choose at least one source from the library.

Integrating Sources

Why integrate sources? In academic writing, you will often present claims based on your own research and analysis. In order to prove or advance these claims, you may need to use evidence from sources. Evidence are those things outside of our own mind (facts, figures, reports, books, etc.) that support the reasons we present to make our claim. Integrating information from sources helps you to:

• Strengthen your own argument / claim / position,
• Identify others' ideas, and
• Establish your ethos / credibility.

When selecting information to use as evidence, it is important to:

• Utilize the latest, most significant and credible sources that engage with the topic at hand.
• Use sources to show your readers where you fit in with other writers in the larger conversation about your topic.
• Use sources that show your readers you are up to date and knowledgeable about your topic.

Ways to Integrate Sources

It is important to know how to effectively integrate sources into your own writing. Generally speaking, there are three ways to integrate sources into your writing. Whenever you integrate sourced information it is important to frame it, which means, you should introduce the information in your own words, insert the sourced information, and follow it with your own interpretation or analysis. A common approach is regularly referred to as the "sandwich approach."

Making Connections

Be sure that your reader understands why you have integrated the sourced information. To help the reader follow your logic, you should make connections.

• Point the reader back to the thesis
• Point the reader back to the paragraph's main point
• Point the reader back to your purpose

Revising and Editing Your Text

When you are revising/editing your paper, answer the following questions to ensure that you have effectively integrated your sourced information.

• Did you use a direct quote? If so, did you place it within quotation marks?
• Did you place your parenthetical/in-text citation immediately after your sourced information?
• Does your citation include all of the required elements?
• Does the ending punctuation follow the parenthetical/in-text citation?

Citing Integrated Sources

Whenever you integrate sources, you must document the source. Doing so helps to establish credibility and avoid plagiarism.Generally, parenthetical/in-text citations require the following components:

• Author's last name and
• page number.

Example: (Green 210)Just as with most things, there are exceptions.

• Signal Phrase - A signal phrase is an introductory clause that introduces information from sources. It alerts the reader that you are shifting from your own point of view to someone else's. When the author's name is included in the signal phrase, you only need to include the page number in the parenthetical/in-text citation.

Example: According to Charles Green, "televisions are going to have a significant impact on the way people experience the world" (210).

• Second consecutive use of same source - When using the same source consecutively, you only need to include the page number in the parenthetical/in-text citation.

In Summary

There are three main ways to integrate sources into your paper:

• Direct quote
• Summary
• Paraphrase


• All three methods require citations
• When integrating sources, it is important to "frame" the information
• Sourced information should be used as evidence, not to replace your own thoughts or ideas.

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M92712498
  • Price:- $20

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