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Assignment: reflection essay

You should talk about every paper in a pragrapg. i mean it should be 5 paragraphs:

1- introduction:

A-what type of papers did you have to write?
B-Define these types.

2- First paper about memoir and it should be answering these questions:

a- what was writing memoir like?
b- was it easy or hard?
c- what would you have done differently?
d- what did you learn?
e- short summary.

3- second paper about rhetorical analysis and it should be answering these questions:

a- what was writing rhetorical analysis like?
b- was it easy or hard?
c- what would you have done differently?
d- what did you learn?
e- short summary.

3- third paper about argumentative paper and it should be answering these questions:
a- what was writing argumentative paper like?
b- was it easy or hard?
c- what would you have done differently?
d- what did you learn?
e- short summary

5- conclusion and it should be answering these questions:
a- which genre was your favorite and why?
b- which genre was your least favorite and why?

Attachment:- Attachments.rar

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M92371099
  • Price:- $40

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