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Assignment on article critic.


• Briefly (1 paragraph) summarizes the article

• Makes a claim about the strength or validity of the author's claims,

• Supports your claims about the author's work with specific evidence from the article

• Makes a supported recommendation about whether someone in your field should use this article in his/her own research or writing.


Your critique should be in essay format, using complete sentences and paragraphs. It should begin with a summary that identifies the article and author. That should be followed by your evaluation of the research and writing of the article, supported by evidence. Finally, you should conclude with a 1 paragraph recommendation, again supported by evidence, about the use of the article.

Your review should contain direct references (quotes, summaries and paraphrases) from the article. You need to correctly cite your summary at the beginning with a signal phrase and in-text citation. All other evidence should be cited in APA format.

Include a correctly formatted APA-style References entry at the end of your paper.

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M92372066

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