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Assignment: Classroom Management Strategies Matrix

Create a matrix of disabilities and classroom management strategies that promote intrinsic motivation and encourage engagement of students with disabilities.

Within the matrix, list and describe one engagement strategy for each of the following disability categories:

• Learning disability
• Emotional disability
• Intellectual disability
• Autism spectrum disorder
• Physical disability
• Other health impairments
• Attention deficit hyperactive disorder

After completion of the classroom management strategies matrix, compose a 250-500-word summary that rationalizes how your described strategies:

• Promote intrinsic motivation
• Encourage engagement
• Encourage self-motivation

Cite a minimum of two scholarly resources within your summary.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

DQ 1 word count 200-250

Describe the relationship between engagement and motivation. Discuss how individual experiences, culture, language development, and mild to moderate disabilities affect a student's intrinsic motivation and the ability to initiate and maintain engagement in the classroom environment.

DQ 2 word count 200 - 250

Describe some accommodations and participation strategies teachers can use to increase engagement and motivation during instruction. How can some of these strategies provide an informal check for understanding of content during a lesson?

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M92361828
  • Price:- $30

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