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Assignment : History of Art From the Renaissance

Setting the stage: Today, we will compare two sculptures located on the same building: Or San Michele(Florence, Italy). What was this building used for, where is it located, and why is it adorned with both medieval and Renaissance styled sculptures?

How is Nanni de Banco's Four Crowned Saints an excellent example of the revival of Classicism during the Early Renaissance? List/describe four classical characteristics seen in this work. As a tip, think about the qualities you would not have seen during the Byzantine era

Donatello's St. Mark was created at the same time as Four Crowned Saints, and is actually located on the same building. However, historians call St. Mark the "first truly Renaissance sculpture" - why? How does St. Mark move beyond just a classical revival to something more advanced? List/describe three advancements.

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History, Academics

  • Category:- History
  • Reference No.:- M92369282
  • Price:- $10

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