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Application: Looking Ahead

Review the short paper you wrote in Week 1, as well as at least two of your colleagues' Course Projects, and respond to the following questions:

Based on your work in this course and your review of your colleagues' Course Projects, what new approaches do you plan to use to encourage deep learning in your students?

Based on the Discussion last week, what criteria will you use for evaluating learning plans?

Based on the Discussion this week, what strategies could you use in the future to support continuous improvement?
(Assignment length: 1-2 pages)

Criminal Justice courses have specific course outcomes that are measured through various tools and strategies such as exams, presentations, class discussions, papers, and projects.

These tools are designed to examine the depth of learning, modify and/or reinforce information learned and to encourage a deeper learning of the course material.

The outline below will chronicle the assessment strategies designed for the Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Course that will promote an in-depth understanding of the course and expected outcome because effective assessment and learning arise from the classroom.

Learning Plan

Topic: Criminal Justice: Law Enforcement

Key characteristics of student population

• Devotion to specialized educational and physical training

• Ability to handle stress and difficult situations

• Ability to develop a set of core attributes to adapt to evolving challenges for law enforcement

• Students must have personal traits such as honest, integrity, ethics and tolerance

• Students must possess leadership skills and an inner sense of right and wrong because officers are considered role models and trusted within the community

• Students must have a calm demeanor and a well-developed sense of ethics to succeed in criminal justice.

• Criminal justice is a physically demanding career; therefore, students are required to have a great deal of physical strength in order to fulfill the role of police officer because their potential of having to run, climb, and jump to apprehend offenders.

Characteristics of the subject matter that may present special challenges

• Students' inability to learn the course material

• Teacher's inability to effectively create a learning plan that is conducive to students' academic success

• Teacher's inability to engage the students

• Teacher's methods of teaching are not innovative and doesn't incorporate/cover today's law enforcement issues and learning material.

Learning Goals and Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the Criminal Justice: Law Enforcement course students should be able to:

• Demonstrate an understanding of the nature, function, and score of criminal justice ideas, issues and programs.

• Understand the issues and component parts of a police organization.

• Understand criminal laws and procedures and comprehend the nature and scope of the American court system.

• Evaluate situations and determine sound moral, ethical, and legal implications.

• Produce competent, honest, well-rounded officers

Assessment Strategies Outline

I. Introduction toLaw Enforcement-Week 1

a. Familiarize students with basic law enforcement terms

b. Establish foundation of law enforcement practices

c. Familiarize students with the core missions and values of law enforcement

d. Test student's knowledge through weekly discussion boards and papers to determine if students understand the concept of the basic principles of law enforcement.

II. Police Administration and Operations-Week2

a. Focuses on uniformed police operations of both patrol and traffic

b. Discusses the principles of organization, management, planning, and crime prevention.

III. Criminal Procedure-Week 3

a. Course emphasizes criminal procedure, including the laws of arrest and search and seizure

b. Focuses on the rights of the accused

c. Focuses on the roles of the prosecutor, judge, jury and defense counsel in the judicial process.

IV. Criminal Law-Week 4

a. Study of the basic elements of criminal law

b. Purpose of course is to identify and describe the various relationships between the criminal law and the needs of society.

c. Students learn the basic principles of the criminal law in various categories, definition of criminal offense, defenses, standards of use.

d. Course explains the relationship of knowledge of the criminal law as a vital part of professional law enforcement.

e. Course develops the thought-process of critical thinking problem-solving in criminal law situations.

V. Topics in Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement-Week 5

a. Introduces a series of critical issues facing law enforcement personnel.

b. Examines the diverse roles of the public police and how to achieve effective community policing.

c. Focuses on the evolution of community policing

d. Implements community policing and communicating with a diverse population

e. Building partnerships in the community

VI. Criminal Justice Internship-Week 6

a. Aninternship program that provides the student with field experience with municipal, county, state, and local criminal justice agencies.

b. Internship allows students to perform the duties of law enforcement professionals at the staff level.

c. Students receives hands on experience in their chosen field working with and performing the duties of criminal justice professionals.

Attachment:- Application.rar

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M92361311
  • Price:- $10

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