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Allocated volumes were: 8.00mL NaSCN solution and 12.00mL of the iron (III) nitrate solution. On the chemical records it was indicated that the concentration of the NaSCN solution is 1.98×10-3 , the Fe(NO3)3 solution is 8.10×10-4 mol/L and of the nitric acid 0.10 mol/L. While the reaction reached equilibrium, the absorbance measured at 447 nm was equal to 0.341. The path length of the cuvette utilized in the experiment was 1.00cm, and the extinction coefficient (?) of the FeSCN2+ complex at 447 nm is 4400 L mol-1 cm-1.

Explain what is the value of the equilibrium constant of the reaction? The table below can assist to organize data and solve the problem.

Fe3+ + SCN----- > FeSCN2+

I (moles)
R (moles)
E (moles)
Ceq (concentrations
At equilibrium)

Chemistry, Academics

  • Category:- Chemistry
  • Reference No.:- M91187542

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