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After watching all the films in Week Two's content (with the exception of The Birth of a Nation) discuss at least 4storytelling/narrative/plot devices (from the list below) that you have seen in recent films or TV shows (1960 and after) and indicate their titles.

Number your answers and explain in detail how the devices help drive the story?

1. The MacGuffin

2. The Chase

3. Escape

4. Flashback

5. Montage

6. The Plot Twist

7. Character as Device

8. Death Trap

9. It's Just a Dream

10. Deus Ex Machina

Respond to at least two of you fellow classmates. This represents the minimum effort, equivalent to a 70 when also meeting the requirements noted in the forum.

History, Academics

  • Category:- History
  • Reference No.:- M92360398
  • Price:- $10

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