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After Mexico declared its independence from Spain in 1821, the missions in California

What contributed significantly to the United States' victory in the Mexican War?

Franciscan-run Catholic missions in California for the most part treated Indians as

What did Ralph Waldo Emerson mean when he said "Mexico will poison us"?

What was the main source of conflict between the United States and Mexico before the Mexican War?

Who was Brigham Young?

Whom did the Free-Soil Party nominate as its candidate in the election of 1848?

What practice did American settlers bring to Texas that was illegal in Mexico by 1829?

Where did the Mormons ultimately settle?

Who led the invasion of central Mexico that resulted in the taking of Mexico City?

Who were the "Barnburners"?

"Remember the Alamo" became a battle cry for Americans in the war against Mexico because

What factors led to Zachary Taylor's election as president in 1848?

What did votes on the five bills of the Compromise of 1850 reveal?

Western settlement in the midst of the Gold Rush was characterized by its

All of the following are true of Southern cotton from 1840 to 1860 EXCEPT that

In his first inaugural address, President Abraham Lincoln

The Republican Party's first candidate in a presidential election was

What territories did President Pierce propose acquiring?

Who was elected the President of the Confederate States?

Starting in 1860, Southern states began to secede in response to

Under the Compromise of 1850, in which of the following territories or states would residents decide whether or not slavery should be permitted?

During the 1840s and 1850s, Northern factories strongly benefited from the introduction of

John Brown's raid on a federal arsenal occurred in the state of

What did the Kansas-Nebraska Act accomplish?

According to the video presentation, who was perhaps the only President of the United States who kept all his campaign promises?

According to the video presentation, what was the root cause of the Mexican-American War?

According to the video presentation, what was a nickname for Kansas after the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

According to the video presentation, who invented the cotton gin in 1793?

The most contentious issue in the election of 1848 was

Henry David Thoreau refused to pay his poll tax in support of what cause?

What role did trappers play in the settlement of the West?

Henry David Thoreau is famous for articulating his stance on

What did the doctrine of "consecration and stewardship" require of Mormons?

The Free-Soil Party emerged during the Mexican-American War and was committed to

Proponents of popular sovereignty believed that

What attitude would Northern manufacturers most likely have had toward immigrants?

Why did Franklin Pierce handily win the presidential election of 1852?

What was the effect of the Lincoln-Douglas debates?

In the controversial Dred Scott decision, the Supreme Court declared that

Southern congressmen told Stephen Douglas that they would approve his plan for Kansas and Nebraska if it included

Members of the American Party were commonly referred to as the

The passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act led to the dissolution of

What was the Underground Railroad?

Which of the following was NOT a result of the Mexican-American War?

Which of the following generals was the master of the frontal attack in the Mexican-American War?

According to the video presentation, what is sectionalism?

According to the video presentation, what was the key issue preventing Northern and Southern states from ever truly reaching compromise?


History, Academics

  • Category:- History
  • Reference No.:- M91558649
  • Price:- $30

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