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A 0.20 kg glider moving at 5 m/s to the rightcollides with a 0.25 kg glider moving 2 m/s to the left. Afterwards, the0.25 kg glider moves 2 m/s to the right and the 0.20 kgglider moves 5 m/s to the left.

a. What was the initial momentum of the system of two gliders?

b. What was the final (after collision) momentumof the two gliders?

c. What was the initial kinetic energy of thesystem of two gliders?

d. What was the final kinetic energy of thesystem of two gliders?

e. What quantity, if either, was conserved inthis collision?

Physics, Academics

  • Category:- Physics
  • Reference No.:- M91181081

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