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1. Which of the following is a reasonable volume for a teacup: 25 mL, 250 mL, 2.5 L, or 25 L?

2. What is the area of the oceans in square kilometers if the Earth's oceans contain 3.5 x 108 mi3 of water and cover an area of 1.40 x 108 mi2?

3. Identify the following changes as physical or chemical:

a. A machine makes a nail from wire by stretching the wire, then cutting it at angles to form the point, and then flattening the other end to form a head.

b. Pulp-free orange juice is prepared by filtering most of the pulp from fresh orange juice.

c. The compound glycerin, which is used in lotions, is formed as a byproduct during the preparation of biodiesel fuel from waste restaurant oils.

4. Identify each of the following as a substance or a mixture:

a. helium gas that is used to fill a balloon

b. the juice that is squeezed from an orange

c. distilled water

d. carbon dioxide gas

5. An advertisement for shampoos says that it is pure shampoo, with nothing artificial added. Is this shampoo a substance or a mixture? Explain.

6. Which of the following represent elements and which represent compounds?

a. Li

b. CO

c. Cf

d. CF4

7. For each of the following, indicate which is the larger unit:

a. L or cm3

b. dm3 or mL

c. μs or ps

d. mg or kg

8. Provide a metric measurement that could be used for each of the following:

For example, the volume of coffee in a cup would be measured in milliliters.

a. the distance to the store

b. the mass of a penny

c. the volume of a swimming pool

d. the mass of a human being

e. the volume of an eyedropper

9. There are many places and/or items today in the United States where one can see the metric system in use. List four places/items that use the metric system. Be sure to describe the place/item and provide the metric value and unit.

10. List four chemical changes and four physical changes that you have experienced in the last week.

11. Describe a scenario in which you have to make a prediction and diagnose an everyday problem. Use the steps of the scientific method: observation with hypothesis, experiment, data analysis, and conclusion.

Chemistry, Academics

  • Category:- Chemistry
  • Reference No.:- M91524725
  • Price:- $22

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