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1. Select one of the articles and prepare a brief summary of the argument presented there. Introduce the article by its author and title, then describe the author's argument (what the author claims and for what reasons.) Include an in-text citation.

2. Quote a passage that struck you as enlightening or interesting and explain why. What does it tell us about identity or individuality? Introduce the quotation cautiously with a signal phrase, such as, "Woodson explains that...", and add an in-text citation including a page number to cite your quotation.

3. One of the most attractive things about stereotypes is how they will affect the actions of those who have been stereotyped. Think of a stereotype you are familiar with. Which came first, the label or the trait? How will the things that other people say about us affect who we become?

4. At the end of your discussion post, make an impromptu references page: Type the word "References," enters a line break, and copy and paste the full APA references page entry (listed above) for your selected text. Remember that you will need to give a References page of your own for this week's "Summary" assignment.

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M91193839

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