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1. Read "Good Communication is Essential to the Success of Engineering Projects." Is this effective, clear writing? What makes it effective, or what would the writer need to do to make it effective? Please offer examples.

It is a 200 Words Discussion.

2. How important are long reports to engineers? How important is it to getting contracts? How often do you think that the entire product of work is only a written document?

It is a 200 Words Discussion.

3. With so many training sessions and meetings being held online, the benefits can become a long list. Are there any negatives associated with online presentations? Does the length of a presentation play any role in the effectiveness? What would be the determining factors for too long or too short?

It is a 200 Words Discussion.

4. Dealing with nervousness is common when delivering a presentation in front of a live audience. Review the article, "Managing Presentation Nerves, Coping with the Fear Within". Which of the six steps may be relevant to you? Are there any additional steps you may want to include?

It is a 200 Words Discussion.

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M92365786
  • Price:- $60

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