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1. Hearts in Atlantis is told primarily as a flashback. How does the film explore the coming-of-age process? In the film, w hat distinguishes childhood from adulthood? In becoming adults, what do we lose? What do we gain? Does the flashback suggest that "growing up" mean something unique to each generation, Or merely to each individual?

2. What effect does the film achieve by pairing supernatural elements with the human horrors of coming of age for Bobby? What does the film suggest is more disturbing: actual events or the invention s of our wildest imaginations? (Consider harry and the other bullies, the Low Men , the assaults of carol and Liz, and Liz's suspicious about Ted.)

3. When Bobby carries carol, what is the significance if this scene in relation to Ted's football story? How does this reinforce the film's larger treatment of memory?

4. The threatening forces in this story often emanate from the least likely places and characters. Liz Garfield, for example, suspects ted Brautigan of being a child molester when in fact she herself is revealed as a menacing presence in her son Bobby's life. How does the film challenge our expectations of where evil and darkness reside?

5. In the book carol says, "People grow up, they grow up and leave the kids they were behind." "Do they?" Booby asks. Answer his question. Does Bobby leave his childhood behind? Is it possible for anyone to leave childhood behind?

6. Discuss the film's treatment of the significance of memory. In what ways is memory a curse and in what ways is it a salvation? What about the title? Compare this treatment of memory with Ashes of Time.

7. Ted Brautigan says to Bobby Garfield. When you find a book that has both a good story and good words, treasure that book . Does the film Hearts in Atlantis have both a good story and good words? Examples?

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M91178399

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