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1. Explain Sassoon's Declaration. Explain what are his criticisms of the government and the war? Why does he feel this way? Are Sassoon's opinions/feeling based on courage or cowardice or some other emotion? Describe why you feel this way.

2. Explain what is he hoping to achieve with his Declaration? Are these idealistic or realistic goals? Why?

3. Who is the enemy for Sassoon and why? Do you believe he is a pacifist? Why or why not? Explain how does he see himself?

4. Sassoon is sent to Craiglockhart War Hospital for "Shell-shock" as a reply to his Declaration. Is he truly ill, or is the army only sending him away to be "cured" so they don't have to deal with him and the awkward questions he raises? Explain what will likely happen to Sassoon if he continues his attempts to end the war?

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M91189277

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