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Your goal is to ask record the sales for 5 different types of salsa, the total sales, and the names of the highest and lowest selling products.

Your program should have the following:

1- Create a string array that stores five different types of salsas: mild, medium, sweet, hot, and zesty. The salsa names should be stored using an initialization list at the time the name array is created.

2- Have the program prompt the user to enter the number of salsa jars sold for each type of salsa using an array. Do not accept negative values for the number of jars sold.

3- Produce a table that displays the sales for each type of salsa (2 points), the total sales (2 points), and the names of the highest selling and lowest selling products.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M92369790
  • Price:- $15

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