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You are requested to design and program a two player game (Squash) in using Flash CS6 that interacts with the player via mouse events for one player and keyboard keys for the other player.

And also add a scoring and any other features. And also You are requested to design and program a Shooting Game in AS3 using Flash CS6. Your shooting game needs to be a mouse-controlled where you can shoot your randomely generated enimies with additional two screen for starting screen and the game over screen.

Your game needs to have at least two levels of difficulty with proper measures of scoring, wining and loosing. You may use any game engine if you like (e.g. FlushPunk) in developing your game.

You need to be creative in designing your shooting object and eniemies as well as your overall game layout for the developed levels.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M91189437
  • Price:- $300

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