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What are benefits of having densely packed Integrated Circuits?

These are stated below:

  • Reliability: The integrated circuit interconnections are in fact more reliable than soldered connections. As well as densely packed integrated circuits allow fewer inter-chip connections. As a result computers are more reliable. As a matter of fact two unreliable extremes are when chips are in low-level integration or very high level of integration approximately closer to utmost limits of integration.
  • Low cost: Cost of a chip has remained approximately constant while chip density (number of gates on each chip) is ever rising. It indicates the cost of computer logic and memory circuitry has been decreasing quickly.
  • Greater Operating Speed: The more is density the closer are memory elements or logic that determines shorter electrical paths and therefore higher operating speed.
  • Smaller computers provide better portability
  • Reduction in power and cooling requirements.


Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M9571446

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