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Visual Basic Question

At Jackson High School, this year, three students are running for senior class president: Tyler Tompkins, Kate Gonzo, and John Chang. make an application that keeps track of the voting. Save the voting information in a sequential access file that contains one line with the candidate number for each vote. The application should display the number of votes per candidate. Use the following names for the solution and project, respectively: Jackson Solution and Jackson Project. Name your vote data file votes.txt. Change the form file's name to Main Form.vb. Test your application. For your final submission, delete the votes.txt file. Then run your program and vote for, in order, John three times, Kate two times, and Tyler once. Click the Exit button. Launch your program again and click the Display button - you should see the correct number of votes for each candidate. Click the Exit button and then close the solution. Zip the project folder into a single zip file.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M92490959
  • Price:- $10

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