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This has to be a power point presentation. As the marketing manager of a large, national, and geographically dispersed organic food store chain, you are to create a marketing PowerPoint presentation that identifies the strategic decisions you must make in the areas of price and promotion. In this presentation, you will research and provide pricing examples that compare and contrast various factors that influence promotional strategies for each of the five pricing strategies: premium pricing, penetration pricing, economy pricing, psychological  pricing, and promotional pricing.

You should further explain the ideas and/or graphics represented on the slides by using the slide notes feature. You must reference at least two articles from business-related or news websites. All paraphrased and quoted material must be cited and referenced. Your presentation should be at least 10 slides in length, not counting the title and reference slides.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M92370054
  • Price:- $20

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