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The search-based tools initially recognize problem and afterwards suitably give advice on how to correct it. 

AT Expert from Cray Research is one of the tools being employed for increasing performance of Fortran programs with the assist of a set of rules that have been written with Cray auto-tasking library. The Cray auto-tasking library helps in attaining parallelism. Fundamentally the AT Expert examines FORTRAN program and attempts to propose complier directives which can help in progressing performance of program.

One other tool known as Performance Consultant is independent of every programming language or model and machines. It fundamentally asks 3 questions which are WHY, WHERE and WHEN about performance overheads as well as bottlenecks. These 3 questions make 3 different axes of hierarchal model. One of the significant aspects of Performance Consultant tool is it searches for bottlenecks at the time of execution of program. The above described aspects help in preserving the decreased volume of data. The WHY axis presents different bottlenecks like I/O, communicatio. The WHERE axis describes different sources that may cause bottlenecks like CPU, Interconnection networks. WHEN axis attempts to separate set of bottlenecks in a particular stage of execution of program.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M9571201

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