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The Action Item and Strategc Analysis: For University hospital of Colorado

The goal of this assignment is to complete a list of action items and strategy analysis to accompany them. It articulates exactly what action items are necessary to reach your organizational goals and what strategic methods you will use to accomplish these. To help with this process, complete the following steps and present your final product. 

1. Identify critical success factors for the organization. Try to understand what factors are necessary to the future and continued success of the organization. These may be factors like relationship with target community/constituency, resources, program strategies, governance structure, and staff skills (your Competitive Advantage Statement will be helpful). Consider opportunities and challenges related to resources and funders.

2. Look at actual and potential collaborators and competitors, including organizations that may serve the same neighborhood and/or target population or may seek funds from the same funding sources, public or private. 

3. Using these answers along with your SWOT analysis, identify key issues, questions, and choices to be addressed as part of the strategic planning effort. This may mean specifying "strategic issues" or questions that the organization should address, and setting priorities in terms of time or importance. 

4. Prioritize them in terms of importance, timing, and feasibility. The result should be a set of goals that will be addressed with action items and strategic analysis.

5. Develop a series of goals or organizational status statements which describe the organization in a specified number of years assuming it is successful in addressing its mission. 

6. Once the key goals have been specified, look back at the SWOT results of the environmental scan, and identify action items and strategies which may be required to reach the goals.

7. Whatever the specific goals, specific criteria for evaluating and choosing among strategies should be met. The following criteria should be met:

Value - Will the strategy contribute to meeting agreed-upon goals? 

Appropriateness - Is the strategy consistent with the organization's mission, values, and operating principles?                        

Feasibility - Is the strategy practical, given personnel and financial resources and capacity? 

Acceptability - Is the strategy acceptable to the Board, key staff, and other stakeholders? 

Cost-benefit - Is the strategy likely to lead to sufficient benefits to justify the costs in time and other resources? 

Timing - Can and should the organization implement this strategy at this time, given external factors and competing demands? 

8. Clearly define responsibilities for their implementation. For example, if a strategic plan goal is to make primary health care available to your target group, regardless of ability to pay, then a key strategy might be to establish a coalition of local organizations to work towards establishment of a community health center, or to work with a local hospital or existing health center to open a satellite center in the community. Or you might need to advocate for changes in current laws or policies. There must be someone or some unit within the organization that can take responsibility for implementing this strategy. 

9. Develop an action item list that addresses the goals and the specifies things to ensure a work plan to begin implementation. Action items should be time-based and measurable. 

10. Finalize a written strategic plan that summarizes the goals, action items, strategies to accomplish these action items, parties responsible, and how these will be measured. There is no set format, but be sure to include these items.

Remember, an organization should not have more than seven strategic priorities, so you will likely have to bundle strategies to action items and goals!

The length and format will be variable. Please look online and perform your own searches to formulate a final product.

This is due tonight 12:00 am

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M92370049
  • Price:- $20

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