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Rhetorical Situation: You are a biochemist employed by a research foundation. Your CEO is thinking about investing in the research being done on using radiowaves to treat cancer patients. This theory was first brought up by Sanibel resident John Kanzius, who has since passed away. The research is continuing, however, and human trials are on the horizon. Your job is to research this new treatment option and writea feasibility report to your CEO determining whether putting money and resources into this course of action is possible or sensible. In other words, determine, through research, whether or not the company should move forward with supporting this effort. This link features a story 60 Minutes did on Kanzius. This gives a good, first hand overview of Kanzius' research.


Topic Proposal

The topic proposal will become part of your introduction. It sets the tone for the report and gives the reader background information as well as explaining the rhetorical situation. This is the time to be creative. The prompt outlines the rhetorical situation, but you need to add more information about you (the author) and your credentials (be more specific than the title given in the prompt).

Paragraph #1- Introduce yourself and tell who has hired you and why.


Manning and Manning Marine Engineering Corporation has been hired by the town council of Paradise Island to explore the problem of beach erosion on the island and to recommend ways that the town can protect its shoreline to preserve the beaches and property of the citizens.

Paragraph #2 - Tell the reader about the client, his business or situation, and what he wants you to do.


Paradise Island is located off the Georgia Coast. The island is ten miles long and four miles wide. It is accessible by a six mile causeway connecting it to the mainland. The population of the island is over 50,000 in the summer and about 35,000 in the winter. The island has been hit by many hurricanes over the past century, the worst being Hurricane Sandy in 2012. Besides causing millions of dollars in property damage, the island has lost much of its famous beach. Without the beaches, the island's economy will suffer.

Paragraph #3-Explain your methodology. In other words, explain to the reader how you plan to approach this project. You will be using mostly research and case studies. 


Manning and Manning's engineering department will conduct in-depth research into the problem of erosion of coastal areas. They will look at case studies involving other coastal towns to see how they approached this problem. They will also look at the most recent research to determine which solutions are the most viable for Paradise Island.

Paragraph #4 - This is your purpose statement which should outline what is to follow in the paper.


The purpose of this document is to explain why coastal areas are vulnerable to erosion and to present three different ways the town can help protect its beaches and its beach front properties from damage caused by high winds and high surf.

The final proposal should follow this format but should be written as a formal memo using a company form in block style. More than 200 words on memo. what is a good price for this?

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M92370016
  • Price:- $20

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