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Question: The hot water needs of a household are to be met by heating water at 55°F to 200°F by a parabolic solar collector at a rate of 4 lbm/s. Water flows through a 1.25-in-diameter thin aluminum tube whose outer surface is black anodized in order to maximize its solar absorption ability. The centerline of the tube coincides with the focal line of the collector, and a glass sleeve is placed outside the tube to minimize the heat losses. If solar energy is transferred to water at a net rate of 350 Btu/h per ft length of the tube, determine the required length of the parabolic collector to meet the hot water requirements of this house. Also, determine the surface temperature of the tube at the exit.


Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M92425359
  • Price:- $15

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