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Q. What do you mean by Supercomputers?

The upper end of state of art mainframe machine is supercomputers. These are among the fastest machines in terms of processing speed and they employ multiprocessing techniques, where some processors are used to resolve a problem. There are some manufacturers who control the market of supercomputers- IBM 3090 (with vector), CRAY, PARAM by C-DEC, NEC Fujitsu are some of them. Recently a range of parallel computing products that are multiprocessors sharing common buses have been in use in combination with mainframe supercomputers. The supercomputers are reaching up to speeds well over 25000 million arithmetic operations for each second.

Supercomputers are majorly being used for computational fluid dynamics, weather forecasting, remote sensing, biomedical applications, image processing.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M9571479

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